Message to the Archons

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Eye of the Dragon

Message to the archons from the eye of the dragon 🐉

I banish all evil from my world.

Many who are wired onto the luciferian agenda are doing dark works now.

They seek the essence within you.

The invisible part of you.

Do not give it to them.

Sage Clearing

Deleo Omne Malum

Vade retro Satana

Vae, Puto Deus Fio

Vae victis

Vacticinium ex evento

Velour Arbor Aevo

Vendi , vidi , Vici

Veritas Christo , veritas vitae magistrae ,

Veritas vos liberabit

Veto ,

Prohibeo te accedere ad animam meam

Ad Christim

LUx vincit

Et ego sum lux

Ergo non potes me

Melkizadek Priestess

Ellen Redd

Psychic Medium and Trans Channel

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