Twin Flame Cosmic Story

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“The story of the TRUE twin flames is written entirely in astrology, every religious book, on nature, through all of the sacred teachings of the gnostics, mysticism, hermetics and alchemical masters who have completed this most extrordinary soul mastery.

Contrary to new Age humans who are confusing new age spirituality as a means to find a mate they feel attracted to and slap the label of twin flame on them so they can dance around and pretend to me ascended masters, the true bonifide twin flames are LITERALLY spiritual masters. (The real kind).

What this means is that they have completed their star travels through the ancient cycles of cosmology. They have traveled thousands of lifetimes crossing paths and not connecting until they graduate . They have completed all the grand master studies and sacramental embodiment lessons to prepare for this Most HOLY union, where they sit on the side of Gods right hand to serve in a higher mission.

You can tell the true twin flames by their works. Those who are focused on lower chakra sexuality, (as opposed to high level tantric alchemy), often give themselves away. These are the type that want to claim the throne of the angelic twin flames and have no idea what their soul mission Is , or what their connection to source is or if they even have a soul. Whereas, the ascended master grailed twin flames have already been given crown 👑 and throne by the almighty to lead the way for the Amenti rescue mission on earth, and are smiled upon by the almighty for their true embodiment of the Christed disciples they are.

Those in lower density consciousness sneer, and bite and spit at the throne kings and queens because they envy them. They despise that the sacred teachings have been given to the ancient souls who carry the master keys. But they refuse to rectify the energies that prevent them, from also being graduated in the mystery schools. This spiritual battle has been ongoing for eons of time. And this is why the fallen angelic collective continue to assault and “crucify “ the twin flame collective who have come to liberate the souls of humanity. They are angelic humans who have been coded in the higher world woth the highest frequency wisdom keys to lead the collective. Yet on the 3D world, the majority of humanity cannot tell a demon from an angel, and so the saga continues, on and on…….

The key thing to remember if you are on the journey to enlightenment, is that being irreverent and smiting the angelic humanity of the Kryst collective, only prevents you from your evolution. The angelics cannot and will not engage in these kind of lower energies. Often they will just disappear and leave the soul to figure it out in their own time, this life or another.

When you understand that the remain flane story is the intimate story of all time, everything else will start to make sense. But alas, one cannot achieve enlightenment by force. Only the soul world can determine when a soul is truly ready for such a high level sacred calling. And only then do the TRUE twin flames unite. “

Ellen Redd/ Enlightenmebt Guide
Twin Flame Oracle
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