7 Rings of the Sun

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7 Rings of the Sun

Channeling by Spiritual Teacher and Psychic Medium Ellen Redd

I am still downloading and translating these messages that came through for me today, from an ancient star being that came to me in a session. They started to discuss, with me and the woman on the session, some information about the sun.

Sun codes.

The solar flares, how it is connected both to the manipulation of the sun (dark forces pierced a black hole on the sun) but also, Krystal aurora collectives are and have come on from other galaxies to protect the sun and the earth from these toxic frequencies.

There are positive ones too.

This is connected to the solar flares but has everything to do with the ongoing galactic saga. The ancients from parallel universes have stepped in to ensure that humanity would not be exposed. I asked the guides, what does this mean?

7 rings of the sun.

They told me they will give me more details soon. But that it has to do with ascension portals. Just as we have stargates, wormholes, portals and other channels to navigate on the quantum universe, the rings as they have explained, have some kind of passage that we are moving through.

Galactic Telepath Psychic Medium / Mystic Way Shower

Ellen Redd

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