A Mother’s Love

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A Mothers Love

I woke up today, from some recent dreams that have been coming up for me on my own energy work (note: just because someone has experienced enlightenment , does not mean they will ever stop healing and working on themselves) (many new students of the spirital path are disillusioned into thinking they are all done with it)… (hard laughter)….

My dreams have been purging up a couple of my deepest wounds and sadness’s and resurfacing the energy for deeper clearing.

One of the topics is the gruesome experience of going through the empty nest experience when the children you love and sacrifice so much for, grow up and move on. (Please don’t come here with all your positive statements and uplifting words). (I already know all of that!). What Does positivity have to do with the severe grief that is experienced. Nothing. And of course we learn to love our own selves and give our own selves the love we poured onto our beautiful babies. But there is NOTHING that can bring them back. And that’s a deep and real wound for millions of women everywhere. In my experience it was a rite of passage and an initiation into other things. Which is great. But again, without acknowledging the deep grief there, and just focusing on positive things, it won’t heal. All of those years. All of that love. All of those memories. Best friends. Companions. Seemingly gone! Poof!

Hence my current layer of energetic clearing.

When I went through empty nest, I had also just become enlightened. So I was flying in the sky with unicorns and rainbows and didn’t have time to process the human grief there. Spirit was guiding me into integration with all of the master codes and cosmic wisdom I was carrying and how to move forward in my own life. And also promised me that my daughter would be watched over (and she really has been in good hands and loved). ❤️‍🔥

But as I am grounding into the core of Gaia with my living Akashic codes , I am also drudging up out of the ground, deep rooted divine feminine wounding for collective and individual clearing. The kind of depth and raw pain and sorrow that only Mother Earth herself can understand.

Nobody can tell you the kind of grief that you experience when your children leave your home, and you find yourself again, with an empty womb and an empty home. The emptiness you experience is equivalent to the love you have and have had for your chikdren from the day they entered your womb (and beyond). The kind of grief that extends beyond all the cries of millions of women who have lost their children . The kind of grief that takes you into the recedes of other realms in the unknown womb of the cosmic mother.

Today, I woke up with my soul crying so deeply that all of the gods heard it, as my cries echoed into eternity.

Spiritual Teacher & Psychic Medium


Copyright: Ellen Redd (all copyrights reserved)

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