Galactic Guardians

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Galastic Guardian

Guardians Update:

Many of you may be aware that this ascenscion portal is happening now, due to stargates in the cosmos that are opened now (which has not happened since Atlantis and for the first time in over 200,000 years the star gates are opening!!

This is why the great awakening is occurring now. The guardian races who are here on earth now, have been duped out of guarding these stargates in past timelines, but are being activated now to remember the emerald covenant and the inner Kristos teachings of the Brotherhood of light.

The window for the ascenscion portal has been known about by the dark forces for many thousands of years which is why they have worked endlessly to distort and mutate the genes and kathara bodies, both individually and planetarily.

The guardians of the Akash also known as the CDT plates or Emerald covenant have stored ancient records for millennia that humanity has long forgotten or been led to believe did not exist. These ancient teachings have been passed down throughout history to select beings who are part of the founder races.

Many will recognize the Essenes and can see how they were part of this secret covenant of founder beings annointed to be key holders of these ancient texts. The texts are unfathomable libraries of etheric information that is stored in a guarded sanctuary that cannot be accessed by the negative forces.

They have thought that they were destroyed and they tried to destroy them, but the guardians and the prime source is too clever for them.

Many indigo souls and first wavers of the Melkizadek Order and other light alliance members and Christos founder races are here now with activated Fire letters in their vessels. They are living libraries that hold the emerald covenant encoded in their soul body. Therefore preventing the dark forces from being able to destroy the information. These souls, are the wayshowers of the human race, as well as many star races and are here to help activate the others too.

Like wild fire, we will light up the night and take back the world and our future in this galaxy and others, resetting the timelines to the primal codes. The crystalline design. This is our time now.

Awaken 👁

Galactic Telepath Psychic Medium / Mystic Way Shower

Ellen Redd

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