Spirit Stalking: Tracker Spirits

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Tracker Spirits/ spirit Stalking :

I often see these kind of entities stalking some of my clients in spirit readings/sessions. I call them tracker spirita as some of them literally can and DO stalk the soul sometimes, lifetime upon lifetime. Sometimes they work as a nemesis if the soul is advanced enough to find how to decode the chakra reversals around this tracker entitiy. But most of the time they simply are too buried in shadow energies, distorted codes, and corrupted genetic material to even understand.

These Trackers will be relentless, and are NOT ( I REPEAT) NOT as easy to release as lighting some Sage and calling in Jesus. Frankly that is rather kindergarten compared to advanced mediumship (demonology) healing and high level shamanism and shadow healing. The most advanced Mediums I know have struggled with these spirits sometimes for years and lifetimes as they are ferocious and extremely nefarious. Don’t fool yourself into “playing house” with real healing, just because you watched a cutsie little TikTok video about crystal wands and saging. REAL mediumship is an ADVANCED art that only the most advanced souls know how to address such things.

Tracker spirits can and do BODY SNATCH souls, and can also cause great destruction to your entire life. They don’t get bothered by your crystal wands and Sage. They are far too intelligent for such Childs play. That is great for beginners who want to work with energy, but simply no where near what true ascenscion mechanics is about.

Ellen Redd/ Shadow Healer
Psychic Medium