Water Serpents

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🔮 I have been shown two water serpents quarreling under water. 🔮

The spirit guides have shown me that this is the undercurrent of the energy that we are working through now. It is symbolic of both the inner work of the divine soul mates (twin souls/ twin flames), as well as the current battles between good and evil, political corruption, earthly battles for spiritual freedoms, dark and light, and with the Anunnaki’s.

The soul inside of you, is more powerful than you know. But you must first, reconnect with it. For so many have long forgotten the essence of their Being.

These ancient souls (water serpents) are believed to have come from the Mesopotamian era. They have been depicted in many ancient stories, Greek mythology, and other ancient tales of man and giants. Some of the giants are our friends. And some are our foes. For you to learn to fly, you will also need to learn to dive deep. They go hand in hand.

Melkizadek Priestess

Ellen Redd

Psychic Medium and Trans Channel

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